He is Bira Bhai- my first introduction to disability. During my child-hood days, I used to find him odd. When his parents were alive and we were small kids, I used to spend alot of time with him. His odd way of walking, talking and behaviour- somewhat childish- enderared him to me. His parents were ardent devotees of Mahima Dharma- Joranda Gaadi- in Dhenkanal and when the scantily clad Bbas used to put up in our village we children were treated with a feast early in the morning by Bira Bhai's father. During one such occasion, Bira Bhai had a fit which I noticed early in the morning as he was with us and we were all waiting for Babas to finish their meals and waiting for our turn. I still rememebr the day as I have not sen more violent and uncontrollable fits even 27 years after my basic Medical degree. Bira Bhai still lives and after parenting a child with Down's Syndrome for the last 24 years and working for children with disabilities in my spare time for the last 2 decades, I know that Bira Bhai has cerebral palsy with seizure disorder. When my own daughter was prononced DS, Bira Bhai came to my mind and I have been reminded of him very often as I work in this field. Bira Bhai's parents have left, so also his elder brother who used to fend for him and despite having no body senior to look after my village has adjusted well with him. During this visit in March 2006 I didn't see any children teasing him.(It used to happen so very often during my child-hood days) and almost everyone caring for him.I love my small village more for their concern for Bira Bhai.