Thursday, July 21, 2011
Er. Lalit Mohan Dash
Chanced to meet him in Rourkela when Lalit called on 20th July 2011
from NIT campus where his younger son took admission and was getting
into the hostel. Lalit has already superannuated as an electrical
engeineer in April this year. When together we reminisced about our
days in Jagatsinghpur and our last meeting sometimes in 1970. It was
great to meet this school friend after four decades.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Niyati with Lobha Nuabou in Bhubaneswar
In connection with Arundhati's marriage on 10th July 2011 in Gaytri Temple Campus of Housing Board Colony, Chandrasekharpur
Tutu & Niyati 10th July 2011
Tutu stayed with us afor a number of years in the ninties when we used to stay in B-29, Sector-20. He was very close all three of our children, Rabi & Niyati.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
I have spent a lot of my time with her in her Radhang residence during my childhood days and have received a lot of her love. Immensely grateful to this woman of unique courage who stood by me and my mother and father during the sixties of last century.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Arundhati's Marriage
Gayatri Temple, HBC, Chandrasekharpur.
From Arundhati's Marriage 2011-07-10 |